Meadowcourt Road 2
Meadowcourt Road_redesign_01_Final small
22-108 massing1-typ 3 storey
22-108 massing1-prop 3 storey
22-108 street view prop
22-108 rear elev
22-108 front elev

Meadowcourt Road 2

We have designed three town houses in Lee, South East London.

The River Quaggy runs along the back of the site and the design of the houses will provide residents with the opportunity to enjoy the water running past their living spaces from a private riverside terrace. The houses will be raised above the street, allowing for the flood plane, but also increasing the sense of privacy and allowing for natural surveillance of the street. This has also provided the opportunity for off street electric car parking, with space above the car port to conceal some air source heat pumps.

The form of the building is simple and is of a vernacular, which will allow the houses to sit well in their environment. Window positions, sizes and orientation allow good daylighting, while hit and miss screening is proposed on the southern elevation to avoid summer overheating. Rainwater will be retained for reuse via some water butts also concealed in the design of the houses.