Lee High Road
19102 Lee High Road
19102 11
19102 10
19102 21
19102 22
19102 23
Pers BBB
Pers AAA

Lee High Road

At a time when there is a demand for housing, London is a city that has many small to medium sized underused spaces.  The ambulance station on Lee High Road, close to Lewisham town centre, is one such site, where a tired single storey building has been restricted from realising it's full potential.  The majority of buildings on this main road into London consist of four to five storeys with a mix of uses including residential over retail and commercial premises.

Nevertheless, redevelopment of this site requires an imaginative solution and we worked with our client and the Local Authority planners to create a design for new flexible ground floor office space with nine new flats above.

The development is shaped around the desire to maximise daylight to the premises and create views of the adjacent river without compromising the amenity of existing neighbours.  The development fits well in the urban context and, with its metal clad upper storey, reflects the former 'industrial' uses on the site.