What We Do

What We Do

In short, we design new buildings and alterations to existing buildings. However we understand that the building process can be confusing, so here is an explanation of what

we do and how and when we do it to make our projects run as smoothly as they can.


We are Chartered Architects who are fully qualified and who work to the RIBA Plan of Work. As Architects, we are also registered with the Architects' Registration Board and we are governed by the Architects' Code of Conduct.

Work Stages

While we don't always adhere strictly to the RIBA Work Stages, they do offer a useful

guide to what we do and when we do it during the project.

Stage 1 – Project Inception

Here we discuss our clients' needs and requirements, creating a brief and advising on timescales and potential costs. We can also advise on Local Authority requirements

and on the need to employ other consultants at various stages of the project.

Stage 2 – Concept Design

At this stage we prepare sketches and, if necessary, models to illustrate and explain

our response to the brief. These sketches often include options, which we discuss and

agree with our clients before moving onto the next stage.

Stage 3 – Design Development

The sketch design is developed in more detail and a set of drawings and other

documents are prepared in enough detail to submit a Planning Application. We normally submit and monitor the application on smaller projects. On larger projects we may work

with a Planning Consultant. We have a good track record with Planning Permissions

and work to ensure a positive outcome but this is never guaranteed.

Stage 4 – Technical Design

Once Planning Permission is granted, we can move on to preparing a set of detailed

design drawings, specifications and schedules so that builders can provide quotes and

so that a Building Control Application can be submitted. At this stage we would also liaise with other consultants such as engineers to ensure that the design can be constructed.

Stage 5 – Construction

Once the project is on site we can agree costs and timescales with the builder, provide administration of the building contract, oversee and monitor progress of the building work.

Stage 6 – Project Completion

At completion we continue to oversee the final stages of construction and ensure that everything is to the clients' satisfaction. We identify defects and agree methods for dealing with them. We also agree final costs with the client and the builder.

Stage 7 – Post Contract

When the project is complete we can assist the client with monitoring the building performance and deal with any further issues. We also like to take photos of the project for use on our website when the project is complete and get feedback on our performance.